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 One of our finest missions is to help musicians bring their tourplans to fruition. We have three funding programs, so go ahead and apply! And give us a call, if you have any questions.

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International transportstøtte

International transport funding:​


ROSA offers international transport funding within rock, pop, hiphop, electronica, and related genres.


Application deadlines
2024: 15 February, 15 May, 15 August, and 15 November.


The applications are processed by a changing specialized committee. In 2024-2025, the committee consists of Silas Bjerregaard, Composer and Booking Manager at Musikkens Hus, Aalborg, Frida Malmø, Sync and Product Manager for Iceberg Publishing and Iceberg Records and Trine Ulrich, Artist and Project Manager and owner of the company Account The Beat. 

Who can apply:
Are you a composer, a musician, an orchestra, or a music manager residing in Denmark? Then you can apply for funding for international transport costs.

Eligible for funding:
// Transport in relation to concert activities which promote Danish music outside of Denmark.
// Transport in relation to international collaborations of artists / bands in Denmark (e.g. concerts, collaborations, networking, contact with journalists and media, management, recording, etc.).
// Obligatory COVID-19 testing abroad in relation to international travels.
// Funding will be given to cover international transport costs when travelling out of Denmark, when travelling into Denmark, and when travelling between nation states and/or federal states abroad, provided that the distances are sufficiently long.
// When driving in a private car, it is possible to apply for funding for international transport costs in correlation with the rate fixed by the Danish state. The fare includes fuel and other costs of the car.
 Read more about the rate and driving authorisation here. The rates for 2023 can be accessed here.


When driving in a rented car, you must be able to provide a receipt for rental, rental period, and fuel purchase(s).


NB: It is a prerequisite that only persons/institutions with NemID and NemKonto can apply.

Non-eligible for funding:
// Projects wherein liquidation has started or ended by the application deadline.
// Local transport within Denmark, e.g. transport to and from the airport.
// Artist fees.
// Hotel accommodation.
// Per diem.
// Accommodation for studying abroad.
// Costs for album recording.
// Marketing and PR.
// Participation fees for seminars, courses, classes, and competitions.
// Ensembles and institutions/organisations etc. who are already receiving financial support.

Criteria for applications:

// Possibilities of development and expected effects, either for the applicant and/or the Danish music life.

// The quality of artistry.

// Tours are  prioritised over a singular concert.

// Emphasis on a reasonable budget with a realistic relationship between revenue and costs.

// A maximum payoff from the distributed funds – for example by arranging workshops or setting up meetings with relevant collaborators in regards to projects abroad, or international artists visiting Denmark.

// Local demand, for example as evident in the remuneration of musicians, or organisers who are willing to cover costs of transport and accommodation.


The application must include: 

// The online application  with attachment must be submitted.

// The application must be submitted prior to the beginning of the project.

// A description of the purpose for the funding application (600 characters max.).

// If necessary, an expanded description of the purpose for the funding application (2400 characters max. E.g. information regarding scheduled meetings, PR initiatives, and other relevant events during the journey).

// Tourplan - date(s) and location(s).

// The overall budget – must be typed directly into the application.

// Uploads of music / links to music


Changes in tourplans: 
In the event of postponements or changes in your plans, we ask you to announce these via the GrantOne link you have received in your funding approval letter.


Reporting and transportat receipts:  

// All transport receipts must be uploaded in one singular PDF-file, including the overall financial account at the top of the document. This must be done in GrantOne via the link in your funding approval letter..

// Reporting must be done via the report formula. Fill in and submit your report here:  ROSA – Funding report for international transportation.


// If you have applied prior to 15 February 2023, you must report via the formula in Google Forms.
// If you have applied up to and after the deadline on  15 May 2023, you must report via the formula which can be found in your application in your user profile.
// Reports can only be received via the report formulas – this means that you cannot send attachments or receipts and report over email or through the mailing function of the application system.
// Reports are processed every Thursday (Holidays are exempted).
// Note that the funding will be disbursed after the project has finished, and after we have received your report. Read more in the next paragraph. 


For those of you who have applied before 15 February, 2023:

// Only submit your receipts for transport costs in one single PDF-file.
// The PDF must include a summary on the first page, with all transport expense items, including the overall sums in DKK.
// If the summary is excluded, you will most likely be asked to resubmit your report.
// You must own a Google account in order to fill in a report in Google Forms. This is not optimal, and therefore, we have developed a report formula which is integrated into the applicant’s userprofile.

// Your report must be filled out here


For those of you who have applied up to, and after the deadline on 15 May, 2023:

// Report through your userprofile, which can be accessed here.
// // The report formula can be accessed after you have received your funding approval.

// Log into your user profile and click on the relevant application.
// In the application menu, you will find the tab “Afrapportering” (Reporting).
// Click via the pen, following the instructions, fill out the formula, and submit your report.


When touring:

While you are abroad, ROSA also wishes to tell our followers about your concert/tour. So when you receive funding approval, we therefore want you to upload a post on Facebook and/or Instagram from your concert or your tour, at least once a week. This could for example be a greeting from the road, from the concert/the tour, with your audience, or something similar.

ROSA and The Danish Arts Foundation must be tagged in the post.

We will also use some of these posts on our own PR-channels and social media accounts.


Important additional information:

Note that you cannot apply for subsidies for projects and activities from ROSA, if you also have applied for funding from Tempi, Art Music Denmark, JazzDanmark or one of the pools which are administered by the Danish Arts Foundation’s Projektstøtteudvalg for Musik (Project Aid Committee for Music). If you have applied for subsidies from one of the above-mentioned organisations with the same project, you must include this in your application – otherwise, you risk that ROSA and your other funds provider decide to withdraw your funding.



Applicants are responsible for keeping themselves informed via governmental websites and, from that, abide by all guidelines and regulations. This site will only include information on the opportunities for touring subsidies within ROSA.

Previous distributions of The International Transportation Funding can be found here

Domestic transportation funding:​


If you/your band are planning concerts and tours in Denmark, you can apply to The National Transportation Funding Program.


JazzDanmark administers the pool, but all bands/artists – regardless of genre – can apply for aid.


To be considered for funding, the following criteria must be met:
// Payment of musicians, by the venues, must be in accordance with the fixed tariff.  

// It must be a public event.

// An entry fee must be enforced.

//The music which is played must be considerably original.


If you/your band fulfil these requirements, and if you apply within the deadlines, you will be guaranteed funding (as opposed to the international pools administered by the genre organisations, wherein specialised art committees choose among many applicants, with relatively little funds).


Application period:
You can apply for national transport funding in the month after your concert(s) have taken place – specifically, in the period stretching from the 1st to the 15th day of the following month. This means that if you have played concerts in the month of February, you can submit your application from 1 March to 15 March.

You can read more about this below – including information on the requirements of the funding programme, as well as the rates which will be disbursed afterwards. We recommend that you keep yourself informed periodically in regards to deadlines, guidelines and more, which may be subjected to changes.


Where do the funds come from:

The funds of Den Nationale Transportstøtteordning comes from the Ministry of Culture’s current Music Action Plan and contains 4,5 million DKK yearly. Since 1st July, 2016, JazzDanmark has been the administrator of the pool on behalf of The Danish Arts Foundation.


Legal framework: The decision has been made in reference to the Danish Music Act cf. consolidated act no. 32 of 14 January 2014 § 3, no. 8, cf. no. 458 of 8 May 2013 on the Danish Arts Foundation §3, section 1.

Annotation no. 208 from § 21.21.01 on the finance act 2020 authorises the Danish Arts Foundation to delegate the administration of particular pools towards music and the performing arts to the genre organisations (ROSA, Tempi, JazzDanmark and Art Music Denmark), as well as the organisation, ​including the right to decision-making and disbursement of pools.

It is JazzDanmark who, on behalf of The Danish Arts Foundation, makes authorised decisions on the matter. Apply via



Truck’n’Roll is a discount programme for musicians, who, through Europcar and ROSA can rent vans, cars, and minibuses at favourable prices, and fully covered by insurance. Truck’n’Roll makes it easier for Danish bands to go on tour – without risking their own savings.


When signing up, a Truck’N Roll card will be sent to the user, which ensures especially favourable prices, including 700 kilometres per 24 hours on selected vans, cars, and minibuses.


The Truck’N’Roll prices are only applicable when driving in Denmark. When driving outside of Denmark, you must contact Europcar for special discounts. To be qualified for a Truck’N Roll card, the musician/band must play their own material and be above 21 years of age. A Truck’N’Roll membership costs 200 DKK per year, and can be purchased by contacting ROSA by telephone: 86128444, or through email:

National transportstøtte
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