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Musikhjælp Scenesetup

Tuborgfondet (The Tuborg Foundation) and the music organisation ROSA have created a free opportunity for music festivals in Denmark focusing on development. The offer consists of workshops and a portable stage setup which makes it possible to organise professional concerts. The goal is to bolster up-and-coming artists, and support the festival community in Denmark.

With Musikhjælp Scenesetup (Music Aid Stage Setup), Tuborgfondet and ROSA wish to strengthen and support the blooming music festival community. Festivals around the country can apply for a free production setup that is ready to go, a scene, lights and sound, technical support, and all.

The goal is also to provide up-and-coming artists with rich opportunities to present their music. At the same time, Musikhjælp Scenesetup wishes to plant a seed for more people to want to create their own festival.

As a part of Musikhjælp Scenesetup, all applicants are offered to participate in workshops focusing on sharing knowledge and boosting skills, which ensures that festivals are ready to organise concerts, regardless of whether they are assigned the stage setup or not. The workshops are open for everybody who's interested in festival production.

The goal of Musikhjælp Scenesetup is to strengthen talent development and diversity amongst Danish festivals and artists.

Scenesetup is part of Tuborgfondet Musikhjælp (The Tuborg Foundation Music Aid), which gathers a range of initiatives that support more young artists in music. ROSA has received 4,6 million DKK in funding from Tuborgfondet.

Read more and apply at








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