An intense developmental project where upcoming artists present their live-setup in front of a potentially new group of fans at efterskoler (continuation schools) around the country. A guiding star for the musicians of tomorrow. E-Tur (E-Tour) introduces new Danish music, new directions, and provides a young audience with access to the newest of high quality music.
ROSA’s primary purpose with E-Tur is to give bands and artists the opportunity to gain experiences and routines in being a touring musician. New bands and new artists especially, may struggle with landing enough gigs to build a substantial amount of experience in performing live music. On E-Tur, artists can perform for a different audience every night, and harvest from these experiences. Interacting with a new audience and putting on a good show can be incredibly important to building a fanbase. In other words, E-Tur is also effective marketing.
On the E-Tour, artists encounter a different audience every night - gaining valuable experience. A great concert can significantly increase a band's fan base, and simply having to create an experience for a new and unfamiliar audience is an important learning process in itself. In other words, the E-Tour is effective marketing.
In celebration of the conclusion of the E-Tur 2023/2024 season, ROSA accompanied Tamara to Himmerlands Ungdomsskole to speak with music teacher Jens Noe and observe the boarding school students' E-Tur experience. Himmerlands Ungdomsskole has hosted several E-Tur concerts, with Jens Noe spearheading the initiative and booking the artists to perform at the school.
Listen to and watch Jens talk about what E-Tur does for students' boarding school experience and their experiences with E-Tur in the video below:
E-Tur has a number of different collaborators: MentalVoice, which offers a course focusing on mental health before, during, and after E-Tur; LMS (“Levende Musik i Skolen”), which partnered up with ROSA to supply music to efterskoler (continuation schools) around the country; and BandAkademiet, which focuses on honing talents, also in collaboration with MentalVoice.
Mental Voice As part of E-Tur, the participating artists are offered a program - before, during, and after their tour - focusing on their mental well-being. The artists undergo a coaching process that provides them with tools to handle performance and expectation pressure, for example. The organization behind this program is MentalVoice.
LMS has been working with professional school concerts since 1992 in public schools, private schools, and independent schools. The new collaboration between LMS and ROSA is based on the decision by the Danish Arts Foundation and the parties behind the current finance law that all primary school students should encounter live music every year through a professional school concert.
If you click on the Spotify player, you can listen to what is currently playing on E-Tur, among other things. The playlist includes songs from the selected artists who will be touring in 2024.
E-Tur has existed since 2007. The following bands/artists has participated:
Marvel Hill (2007), Bahnhof (2008), Gypsies (2008), Jooks (2009), Disa & Mouritz/Hørslev (2009), Turboweekend (2009), Negash Ali (2009), Julie Maria (2010), Thee Attacks (2010), Kasper Spez (2010), Coco Moon (2010), Quadron (2010), Ignug (2011), Kirsten og Marie (2011), SupaJan (2011), Thomas Buttenschøn (2011), Hunch Bettors (2011), Panamah (2011), Wafande (2012), Hannah Schneider (2012), Rangleklods (2012), Öberg (2012), Tako Lako (2012), Linkoban (2013), Point Blank (2013), Heidi Mortenson (2013), Dance With Dirt (2013), Sebastian Lind (2013), Nelson Can (2013), Ida Gard (2014), Camilo & Grande (2014), Asynje (2014), Karl William (2014), Kamilia Amélie (2014), Keep Camping (2014), Mont Oliver (2014), Quick Quick Obey (2015), MC Hansen (2015), Sonja Hald (2015), De underjordiske (2015), For Akia (2015), Pede B. (2015), Velvet Volume (2016), Black Hores (2016), The Courettes (2016), Go Go Berlin (2016), NORTHERN ASSEMBLY (2016), Wangel (2016), TÅRN (2017), Total Hip Replacement (2017), The Warmongurs (2017), Farveblind (2017), Moses: Andreas (2017), Maximillian (2018), TunnelVision (2018), Monti (2018), ROXY JULES (2018), Kaaliyah (2018), JÆRV (2018), Mambe & Danochilango (2019), Fribytterdrømme (2019), Ravi Kuma (2019), Mekdes (2019), AySay (2019), Ea Kaya (2020), ELBA (2020), DOPHA (2020), JJ Paulo (2020), Rebecca Lou (2020), Trio Svin (2021), Bbybites (2021), Undertekst (2021), Maddy (2021), Kå (2021), Girl (2022), Dillistone (2022), USSEL (2022), Kalaset (2022), Baske (2022), Stella (2022), DAYYANI (2023), Dahlin (2023), Kris (2023), mina okabe (2023), SZIM (2023), Mørkeblødt (2023) og Tamara (2023).
